DISPAWSAL Policies and Procedures


Each Dispawsal Client agrees to the following upon purchasing our services:

Dispawsal agreements:

  • DISPAWSAL and its employees agree to provide services stated in this Agreement in a reliable and trustworthy manner.  In consideration of these services and as an express condition thereof, the client waives any and all claims against DISPAWSAL or its employees, unless arising from gross negligence on the part of DISPAWSAL.
  • DISPAWSAL will work with most animals in the yard; however, we will not work around aggressive animals.  If we cannot access your yard because of an aggressive animal, you will still be charged for the visit.
  • Please be sure the gate/access point is free of any obstructions (i.e. dogs, padlocks, lawn furniture, etc.) and is unlocked.  If we cannot access your yard but we showed up for service, you will still be charged for the visit.
  • DISPAWSAL agrees to disinfect all equipment each visit to help maintain a safe environment for you and your animal by not spreading disease from yard to yard.
  • DISPAWSAL will bag all waste and place it in your trash can, unless other arrangements have been made for disposal.
  • DISPAWSAL will not accept time-specific calls, as we cannot guarantee specific times accurately. A two-hour window is acceptable.
  • DISPAWSAL will not be responsible for any keys the client has asked to be mailed or held by DISPAWSAL.  A lockbox or combination lock may be made available for access, if controlled access is required.

Business hours, bad weather & Holidays:

  • Business and scooping hours fall between 7:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday, and services are usually completed during this time unless we are behind schedule or our scooper has a health issue that requires a rescheduling.
  • If your scheduled service day falls on a holiday or there is dangerous weather, we may reschedule for another day.   If the school system shuts down for nasty weather, so do we.  If we cannot reschedule close to your weekly date we will pick up double the waste on your next scheduled cleanup.
  • No scooping on Thanksgiving Day.   We also take the week off between Christmas and New Years Day.   If your service falls on one of these days we will clean up double the doody on the next regular service visit.

Payment and Service Cancellation:

  • DISPAWSAL reserves the right to deny service or terminate service because of safety concerns, financial concerns, or inappropriate or uncomfortable situations.
  • Please let us know if you and your animal will be away and would like to put your service on hold.
  • Payment is expected by the 15th of each month.
  • You may discontinue your service or change your service at any time by giving DISPAWSAL  24 hours advanced notice. Cancellations must be received within 24 hours of scheduled visit or you will be charged the fee for that visit.

Dispawsal guarantee and your part:

  • DISPAWSAL guarantees its work and can be called for scooping touch-ups for 24 hours after service, after which all work is final.
  • You will maintain the length of your grass, and have leaves and other debris removed from your yard, so that we can successfully find and collect the dog poop from your yard.

Important pricing information:

  • Dispawsal rates are based on providing service four weeks per month.  Please note, some months have five weeks instead of four.  In order to allow for vacation, sick time or weather related conditions (although we have never taken off more than one week),  there is no additional fee for months containing five weeks.  The rates are a flat monthly rate. Your invoice will remain the same regardless of how many weeks in a month.